Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Married and back home!

Haven't had a chance to post in quite some time, however I had many good reasons! For those who may not know, Julie and I were married on October 22nd! In fact, got back from our honeymoon in St. Lucia yesterday (November 1st), so I've really been unable to get anything updated on the weblog. However, thanks to some smart friends, I have a link to some of the wedding photos: Thanks to Jason Childers for setting this up!

We should also have a link to all the photos taken by our photographer, however I haven't gotten word from him yet on where to go to view it all. As soon as I know, it'll be posted too. Scott Fybush also took video at the wedding, so as soon as he's got something for me, I'll be sure to turn it into something that can be posted online. Probably not on Blogger - I don't know if there's a file size limit, and I can only assume a big video file would be frowned upon. Then again, Blogger is owned by Google, and since Google would like to have a repository of all informaiton everywhere, perhaps they don't care? Regardless, I have lots of sites to host the video on.

I've also got tons of pics from the honeymoon in St. Lucia. I'll have a separate post about the honeymoon shortly. But for now, thought everyone would enjoy the first pics. Again, thanks Jason!


Anonymous said...

Need a place to upload video? Try

Virtually unlimited, free hosting of MP4 video. Works great!

David Gottfried said...

Hmmmm.... I tried going to the site, but for some reason it isn't loading? Maybe it's just a temporary thing?

Anonymous said...

Nice, except for that one of the videographer's head. See if I ever digitize anything else for you NOW, Childers...