Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Well, we had some excitement this evening. Julie and I were sitting upstairs and noticed a smokey smell coming from outside. I figured, "Well, it's cool outside, and someone must have lit their fireplace!" Yeah, well, it wasn't to be. No, instead, it was some kids who lit a tree on fire. I was downstairs starting to make dinner when a firetruck comes down the street! Went outside, and directly across the street there's a tree with several squirrel holes and smoke pouring out of them. Needless to say, this was enough excitement to get the whole street to come outside and check out what was going on. In a matter of minutes they had the fire put out and were gone.

I saw the dumb ass kids coming out of the woods shortly after we first noticed the smell. And if our neighbor hadn't been driving by, and noticed it, god only knows if someone else would have called the fire department! I just wish I had my digital camera so I could have taken some pictures to post online. I guess you'll just have to use your imagination.

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