I just watched my first episode of this season's The Apprentice. I think I'm glad I don't watch this show. The remaining contestants are supposed to be the top four prospects out of millions of applications to be the next Trump apprentice? OK, ok... I'm sure all the real successful young people are too busy making their own millions than to deal with Trump (damn, did I see Trump Vodka at Whitehouse the other day?!), so the pool of prospective candidates is already limited. But these people are such, uh, douchbags. None of them are likeable, and I wouldn't want to work with any of them.
Having only seen this one example of their collective business genious, maybe I'm missing something. I also don't know their backgrounds - nor do I care to find out. The Asian dude from Seattle is an "internet business owner," WTF does that mean? Are there really still internet businesses out there? The meat-head white guy seemed pretty good, but he's a MEAT-HEAD-WHITE-GUY. I shouldn't be able to describe one of the top business prospects in America as a MEAT HEAD. (Negative, I am a meat popsicle.)
There are two chicks left. One is really annoying, the other struck me as annoying, but quieter. Apparently, in order for women to succeed in business, they cannot just be smart, hard working tacticians. They need to be obnoxious.
So, next week, The Donald will pick one of these four remaining folks to be his ostensible apprentice. I may actually watch what will undoubtedly be a hourlong blame-fest so that the least incompetent will hang on long enough to not be fired. Add lots and lots of commercials and entertainment ensues. I wonder what really becomes of the past winners of this show. Did they get jobs that they kept? Did they go back to their own businesses? Did they love working for Trump, or hate it? Was it really an apprenticeship - where Trump took them under his wing and tought them everything he's learned from a lifetime of whatever the heck it is he's done? Have they become more successful in their business endeavors as a result? Or is this just reality television, where the contestants don't have an interest in following through with the "winning". How many reality marriages have been successful? (Flavor Flav!!)